2nd of "easy operation game like a discount computer"!nIn pursuit of ease of use and speed, it was summarized in all one screen!
割引前の金額と割引シールを選択するだけで、面白いくらいサクサクと割引後の値段が出てきます。操作が簡単な上に、スピードも最速!買い物しながらの操作する事を視点に考えられた操作性①「"この棚全品30%オフ"って書いているけど毎回計算が面倒!」なんて時は先に[30%off]シールをセットしておけば、あとは値段を入力する度に自動で30%オフの値段が表示されます。②「2割引から3割引に値段が下がった時の値段が知りたい!」なんて時は値段を入力後にシールを選択しなおす度に即時、値段が再計算されて表示されます。③商品によって「○○割引」「xx%オフ」とか割引の単位が違う!よく見かける「%offシール」と「割引シール」を両方用意しているので、商品に貼られているシールによって、割引シールボタンを選んで貰えれば、計算してくれます。Its the fastest and easiest Discount Calculator ever!In Japan, discount stickers are everywhere.A little bit of a hassle to figure out the final price unless its 10% off or halfoff.You can calculate it super easy and quick with this App.Type a price and tap any discount sticker.Boom! You got a final price!Now enjoy shopping and Saving!Simply select the undiscounted amount of the discount seal, you will get the price of crispy and discounted much interesting.Operation on a simple, speed is also the fastest!Operability, which is thought to the viewpoint that operate while shopping① "tedious calculations every time I wrote I" this shelf all goods 30% off "!"Once you have set the [30% off] seal earlier when Nante, after will see the price of 30 percent off automatically every time you enter the price.② "2 want the price of to know when to discount the price dropped to 30% discount from!"Immediately every time to re-select the seal after entering the price when Nante, price appears to be re-calculated.③ "○○ discount", "xx% off" or discount of the unit is different depending on the product!Because we are both prepared well see a "% off seal" and "discount seal", by a seal that has been affixed to the product,If Moraere choose the discount seal button, it works out.Its the fastest and easiest Discount Calculator ever!In Japan, discount stickers are everywhere.A little bit of a hassle to figure out the final price unless its 10% off or halfoff.You can calculate it super easy and quick with this App.Type a price and tap any discount sticker.Boom! You got a final price!Now enjoy shopping and Saving!